Baby boomers have been watching the years zoom past, and now one of their paramount concerns is realizing the many problems that can come up in caring for their aging parents. There must be many questions running through your mind right now, questions like:
- How do you decide when it’s not safe anymore for your elderly parent to be staying at home alone?
- How will you maintain your job, your home, your children and still take care of your parents and do all of this at the same time?
- Are there any resources available that could help you?
How will you approach your parents about the subject?
- How will you manage to help them keep as much independence and dignity as possible for the longest time possible?
- Will you be able to deal with the stress of all of it?
- Elder care services can help to answer all these questions for you and put your mind at rest.
As your parents continue to age, you will want to be diligent and stay aware of changes in their ability to provide their own care as well as the state of their mental cognition. Do they seem a little forgetful sometimes, or could it be the start of something of greater concern, like Alzheimer’s or dementia? Some of the indications that they may be still safe to be alone at home includes:
- They take their medications on schedule without needing to be reminded.
- They can bathe alone and are able to safely use the grab bars in the bathroom to maneuver in and out of the tub with.
- They are still able to undress and dress without the assistance of another person.
- They are able to plan, prepare and eat healthy meals every day.
- They don’t have a problem with falling frequently or becoming ill very suddenly.
However, if these abilities are declining, don’t wait for a crisis to do something about it. It’s much better to make plans ahead of time for care than to find yourself having to make a quick decision because something drastic has happened, like a bad fall or a fire in the kitchen.
How can an elderly care provider help? Knowing that a trained professional who is caring and compassionate is in your parent’s home every day helping them with everyday tasks of living is a huge relief for you and a burden lifted off your shoulders. An elder care provider can:
- Make sure your parents are driven to doctor’s appointments.
- Make sure your parents pay bills on time so they are not forgotten or late.
- Give medication reminders.
- Make nutritious meals or help them in the kitchen if they still like to do some cooking.
- Provide companionship so loneliness isn’t a problem.
- Help to keep them active socially as well as physically.